Wednesday, February 11, 2015

You or Me?...Christian or Not?...Right or Wrong?

Excuse me, ma'am, but I was wondering if I could sit with you under this umbrella of shade since it is above average for a typical summer day.  Thank you!  I can't help but notice that you are a devoted Christian and an activist in your church.  How do I know that?  Well according to the cross that hangs around your neck, the T-shirt that you are wearing quotes an anthem or motto that most Christians live by their entire lives, "Do you know who died for you...God conquers all," your bracelet carries the letters WWJD as it dangles around your wrist, and in front of you there is a stack of books that contains the Bible, a daily devotional, a study guide for a Bible Study, and a bulletin from last Sunday's service, at least according to the date, I would say that you are devoted Christian.

Your facial expressions remind of someone who is perplexed and unsure about what is happening in the present.  Please trust me: I am also a Christian, but a specific type of Christian; one who believes but questions the nature of the Bible and its ability to remain consistent.  You don't believe I am a Christian because I am wearing black pants, a black dress-shirt, and sunglasses.  Since when does my physical appearance decide if I am a Christian or not?  Sure, what I wear may say something about who I am or who anyone is, but just because when one wears black it doesn't mean that they become, automatically, an atheist.  That is besides the point. You don't believe that a Christian would question the words of God and question what his messages are attempting to say to his followers.  Isn't it our right, as Christians, to question whether the words of God are substantial enough to meet our spiritual connections and needs?  I believe it is.  What did you say?  You believe that we should be able to question God's words. But... But what?  If you allow me to stay, I promise I will tell you why I am questioning the words of God on the realization that God is still present in my life.  And I promise to answer your "but!"

To my understanding, the words of the Bible, at least the Old Testament, were words directly from God but transcribed by those who God spoke to directly.  For example the stories of Moses were written by an another author besides Moses and besides God, meaning that the words in those stories and many others are rough translations of what God was preaching about.  This occurs again in the first book of the Bible, Genesis: In this particular book God was never accused of writing down his methods to creating the earth nor creating man, but for some mysterious reason through the writings of some other author, we are told how and when God created earth and man.  These words didn't just write themselves.  They were told by God to someone else who could have matter a fact mis-interpreted or mis-understood what God was saying.  You say these are just minor examples from a huge book of faith and inspiration.  You are correct to some degree.  These are just TWO examples out of 39 Old Testament readings which means that these are just TWO examples that create a trend or foundation for the other 37 stories remaining in the Old Testament.

Don't get me wrong ma'am, I believe in the words of God and I believe in his ways and methods, but the whole idea of following and devoting our lives to the writings of unknown authors just seems to rub me in the wrong way.

On the other side of the Bible, you say that the New Testament is a hundred percent true and free from mistakes since Jesus was physically present during this time.  I will never be able to convince you otherwise about your feelings and understandings of the Bible, but I can provide a counter argument that might make you stop and think about how error free the Bible may appear to be or not appear to be.  In the New Testament, for instance, if you carefully consider the words of Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20-21, you will notice that all these specific chapters from the apostles are telling the same basic story, but if you pay attention to what is being said, you will notice some inconsistencies.  For example, after Jesus rises from the dead, Matthew indicates that Jesus will be in this place while Mark suggests another place.  As for Mary (the virgin) and Mary Magdalen, the apostles all say something different about who was really there when the stone was rolled away.  Or was the stone rolled away?  You believe it was.  You should double check.

Well before I depart, I want you to know that I have already taken into the consideration that there is no way that I can possibly change your views on the words of God or even Jesus to that matter, but most importantly I want you to realize that although the Bible, the words of God, seem perfect, they do contain some inconsistencies which provides us, as Christians, the chance to question the words and authors of God.  Maybe this means that the words of God are meant to be changed, depending on the situation? You can take the words of God however you please, but for me, I will continue to follow his words but at the same time question if these words are really His own.

Farewell.  'Til next time my friend.  Enjoy the umbrella of shade!


Sunday, February 8, 2015



Believe it or not, there are people living within this country, within this nation, within this world that contemplate whether to become an organ donor everyday of their lives.  Some people believe this kind of life saving question should not even exist as a question or a matter of questioning, but others believe that it should be of question because of certain ethical, moral, and religious beliefs.  I, in fact, am one of those individuals who remain on the fence about whether to become an organ donor or not. Even after researching this topic through personal stories, religious beliefs--such as is it right to act like God according to the Bible to save the life of another--and what the future has in store for organ donation, I am still on the fence.

But before we get into what I found,  the websites and provide statistical information that notifies the general public about the life of organ transplantation/donation. According to,  "a single organ donor can potentially save eight lives, one tissue donor can save and/or enhance the lives of 50 individuals, and more than 90% of American adults approve of donation as a viable, life giving source" (  Out of those 90 plus percent Americans who support organ donation only 40% of them are actually organ donors (  Also according to this website, you are 6 times more likely to need a transplant than be a donor, which explains why there are approximately 120,000 individuals  waiting to, essentially, be saved by your willingness to give a part of you to them.  Only 40% are willing to give, to be a donor, to be life-saver.  What about the other 60%?  What is holding them back?

First off, some people are a little skeptical about the whole idea of saving the life of someone they do not know.  To fix this problem, people have been using social media to post or blog about how organ donation has changed their lives for the better.  For example, a young women recently shared her perspective of organ donation on my Facebook page.  Here is her account and perspective of how organ donation has changed her life: "Before my mother passed away because of cancer, she decided that she wanted to  give her corneas to her mother (the young woman's grandmother).  And because of this selfless action, her grandmother is able to see; color for color, flower for flower."  This is just one example of how being an organ donor can change the life or lives of many individuals whether they knew them directly or not.  On the other hand, some people just give to let themselves feel good about themselves.  They don't give to save a stranger's life, a family member's life or even the life of a loved one: they give so they can have a way to benefit their own life.  Is that right?  Should someone choose to save a life just to save their one?  Furthermore, should individuals be granted the opportunity to receive compensations for being willing to save a life?  Now, are people donating to save or are they donating to get paid?

Secondly, the concept of ones religious beliefs and morals come into practice when deciding to become an organ donor.  Some Christians believe that saving a life means acting like God and in turn they are replacing God and his idea of faith with science and medicine.  These individuals are also facing the fact that if they do become a participant of organ donation, their organs may potentially be going to an individual who is not Christian, doesn't believe in God, and may have been an individual who has severely done wrong in their life.  This bothers Christians who believe that God is the only "life-saver" of ones life.  For those other Christians who believe that organ donation is right in the eyes of God and humanity, the verse that they choose to follow comes from Matthew 5:43 which states, "Love your neighbor."  With this motto, Christians choose to save lives day after day and choose to act like God to anyone who needs help or attention no matter of one's past or present sins.  A life is a life.  And a life in need, is a life worth saving. (

Thirdly, and finally, people are worried about what the future has in store for organ donation.  To tell you the truth, although organ donation  is a positive action that sends a profound and powerful message, it will always be a topic of controversy and contemplation because of one's ethical, moral, and religious belifs.  The future of organ donation lies on the shoulders of everyone, but for now those approximately 120,000 people who are on the waiting list will have to wait until someone takes a stand and becomes a life-saver and a miracle for a family member, a loved one, or a stranger.  For me, I'm not ready to be that miracle.  Are you?



Thursday, January 29, 2015

What does the Music, that comes from the Old Main Tower, say about Augustana?


How would you like to walk out of your dorm and hear something popular--such as "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy, or "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons--as you casually stroll down the sidewalk to your first class instead of listening to the same old traditional hymns over and over and over and...?  (I think you get the idea!)

 Let's be completely honest my fellow college classmates, the songs or tunes that come from the Old Main Tower don't necessarily reflect our particular generation.  In fact they represent the life that still lingers out there and captures the spirits of the original Augustana College instead of connecting with her fellow classmates.  The tunes that can be heard reflect upon the religious aspect of Augustana College--the starting point.  Don't get me wrong, these tunes do provide a relaxing comfort while walking from building to building or class to class:  It's almost as if God is there with you; comforting your every step and removing the heavy stress that lies on your shoulders.  But I do believe that change is in the air!

After several visits to Iowa State University, I found it extremely interesting that their main bell tower is programmed to play "popular" music of the time.  Now by popular, I mean those songs that could be heard anywhere you go whether it's from the 80s, 90s or 2000s.  While walking through the campus of Iowa State University, I became a witness to how powerful music can be to several thousand students.  Some of the students were singing along with the melody being played, others were dancing their way to their next destination, and others were even stopping and recording the song that was being played and sharing it on social media.  Not to be mean or anything, very rarely do I see individuals singing along or dancing with or praising the hymn that plays throughout campus.

For those of you who are in favor of listening to these hymns everyday, over and over again, there is nothing wrong with that especially if you are very strong in your faith.  I would say that I am strong in my faith and religion and that I personally enjoy listening to Christian contemporary music or Christian hymns, but once in awhile it's nice to listen to something outside of the everyday norm.  Once in awhile, hearing those hymns does provide me with motivation and guidance, but instead of something soothing and predictable to give me that motivation, it would be nice to hear something that really gets my blood flowing.  Would you rather be walking and singing to "Another one Bites the Dust" or "How Great Thou Art" as you find your way to class?

So what does the music, that comes from the Old Main Tower, say about Augustana College--our school?  The music suggests that our school carries a religious background, religious course offerings, religion and contemporary thinking, and that it focuses on the spiritual aspect and motivation that is perceived through Christ to produce well rounded, well educated individuals who are mentally and physically ready for the life awaiting them outside the "Augie Bubble."  To many, the religious music that comes from the Old Main Tower is an iconic characteristic of Augustana College that sets us apart from other schools.  Others will say that you don't have to always play religious music to show people that you are religious.  It's time for a change!

So wouldn't it be nice if you heard something different playing through the campus air? It's time for Augustana College to take it to the next level of connecting with its students.  Everybody needs their own form of motivation; whether it's Queen, Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Justin (What's his face?) Bieber, or the traditional words of God.  Once in awhile, we all have to step out of our comfort zone and try something different and now is the time for Augustana College to make a change, connect with its new generation, and spice the lives up of its students.  Say good-bye to the old age and welcome in the new age!!


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Wait a minute... you aren't me. Are you?

Okay, let's face it, I would consider myself to be in the loop when it comes to having or being apart of the new technology crave, but when it comes to being noticed on these new craves--such as Facebook, Twitter, or even just simply Google--I seize to exist; unless you count the other several identities or e-dentities of the other Daniel Skeltons of the world.

When I Facebooked my name, I was pretty worried about what was going to appear.  But it turns out that my own profile wasn't the first suggestion to pop-up even though I was searching myself while being logged-in to my personal account.  According to Facebook, Daniel Skelton enjoys listening to David Guetta, Axwell, and Steve Angello while he reads "All these Goat Pages," "Naming your Son Jesus," and "50 Sheds of Hay."  Personally, I don't know who would want to read "50 Sheds of Hay," but it sounds just as dirty as the original "50 Shades of Gray."  Besides liking books and music, apparently Daniel is a huge soccer fan, baseball fanatic, and as an interest in cricket all while being Australian.  Although that Daniel Skelton sounds pretty interesting--but yet questionable--that e-dentity--someone's online profile and identity--doesn't quite send the right message to who I am online.  Sorry unknown Facebook Daniel Skelton, but you aren't me.

Stepping away from the narrow search of Facebook, I decided to use Google's Search Engine to find who I really am online.  Yeah, that wasn't very promising either!  When I typed Daniel Skelton into the search bar of Google, something very interesting and strange appeared.  Images of a shirtless, muscular, teenage looking male covered my screen appearing not just by himself or with another shirtless male, but with four other shirtless, muscular, teenage looking males.  (Sorry ladies, I don't actually look like that!)  I personally don't know how to take this information.  Not only does this Daniel Skelton appear to be a male model, but he is also an actor.  He has starred in "Eating Out: All You Can Eat (2009)", Eating Out: Drama Camp (2011)," and Eating Out: The Open Weekend (2011)."  The covers of all these movies appear to be sexual and very questionable when it comes to presentation and one's gender identity in society and online.  Again, this Daniel Skelton does not accurately represent the kind of person I am online or in person.  Quite frankly, this Daniel Skelton kind of scares me and makes me question my own identity.

Although these individuals share my name, they do not accurately depict the kind of person I am online.  When or if you find me online, you will notice that my e-dentity is mostly focused on pictures/images that tell about my interests, family, friends, and life outside of school.

 Through Facebook, you can truly find out my e-dentity but checking out my interests--such as musical interests, events that I have attended or are apart of, and places that I have gone.  Believe it or not, non of my interests involve modeling or dealing with goats!

 Besides my many interests, my e-dentity portrays me as a family guy who enjoys sharing pictures of my parents, brothers, sister, nephews, and of course my dog, Jackson, and my bird, Charlie.  By providing images of my family, my e-dentity shows that it wouldn't exist without them willing to smile for the camera.

If it's not my family smiling for the camera, it is definitely my friends; more specifically my girlfriend.  My e-dentity suggests that I am obsessed with her, but I suggest that I just like being with her! She probably makes up about over half of the images that appear on my Facebook page.  If it's not my family appearing in pictures, it is definitely her or something music based.

Although our e-dentity's are something that describes us to the rest of the world, sometimes who we appear to be online  doesn't accurately depict the kind of person we actually are.  Having an e-dentity can be a positive way to connect with those who you normally don't get to see, but for those that you get the chance to see in person, your e-dentity is just a great way to waste time and leave ridiculous comments that make you feel grateful for having a separate life online. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Real Life On Television?

For those of you who think that today's reality television shows are lacking in the substance of real life and real meaning, you haven't taken the time to change the channel from the "popular" shows to the more serious shows such as "A to Z" or "Parenthood."  Although "A to Z" is a show that most couples can find themselves relating to whether it's communication skills or trust, the hit NBC television show "Parenthood" presents the real life struggles of an average family as they go about living their separate lives while still being grounded to their family roots.  Even though we, as college students, may not have a family of our own, we all come from a family that either has been through or is going through struggles that seem unreal and unexplainable.  Because of these similarities, this show has the power to get into your mind and cause you to consider the certain aspects of the faces of oppression.

Within this show the family experiences an unexpected pregnancy of a daughter, two divorces--one in which the female has been through many boyfriends and the other is working on mending their relationship--a couple that has a son with Aspergers, a racially mixed marriage, and a father/grandfather who experiences multiple heart problems that have caused the family to live on edge about what the future has in store for them.  Although some of these conflicts or issues may seem a little extreme, these conflicts let the viewing audience know that the family in the show isn't perfect.  But at the same time, what is the likelihood that all these issues would take place at the same time.  Don't get me wrong, it could be possible.  But what is the likelihood?

"Parenthood" is an excellent example of fake reality when it comes to living within reality.  The issues that they are going through are actual everyday problems that everyday people experience which is why its audience is so drawn to the drama of the show.  The family does such a good job at acting like they don't know that all this was coming which allows that audience to feel sorry for them.  (Them as in the make-believe family that is supposed to resemble an average family in America.)  Don't get me wrong, I believe I come from an average American family: But what exactly is an average family?  How do they act?  What do they do? 

This particular show sets up a subliminal message to its viewers that projects the image of what an average American family looks like and how they behave.  So in order to be average, a family has to go through all these issues, right?  What is the family if these issues never arise?  Ultimately, although I love watching this show, this show should be more aware of the kind of oppressions it is creating between what the viewing audience is seeing and how they are interpreting what they are seeing.

For example, the oppression of powerlessness is shown through the families ability to only focus on themselves.  Over the past six seasons of this show, not once has the family encountered a lesser family either because the writer never thought about that or the family is supposed to resemble the fact that when things go wrong, everyone should turn their focus towards you and forget their own level of power within the same community.  Along those same lines, the show encounters another level of oppression when it comes to cultural imperialism.  The more viewers this show obtains, the more reality starts to sink in for those viewers.  The fake reality that is seen on television not only impacts the way that we see ourselves, but it impacts our cultural.  It seems as if when something goes wrong in a family everyone has to know about it.  Why is that?  What ever happened to being scared of telling other people the faults in your family?  Just because a created family on television does it, doesn't make it culturally acceptable for everyone else. 

Even though the show "Parenthood" presents multiple problems when it comes to actual reality and its image of an average American family, it still has received many positive comments that have to deal with the fact that although one may be faced with unexplainable circumstances, there is always an alternate path that leads to a happy ending.  And after watching it for six seasons, I believe there must be some truth to what a family actual is.