Thursday, January 29, 2015

What does the Music, that comes from the Old Main Tower, say about Augustana?


How would you like to walk out of your dorm and hear something popular--such as "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy, or "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons--as you casually stroll down the sidewalk to your first class instead of listening to the same old traditional hymns over and over and over and...?  (I think you get the idea!)

 Let's be completely honest my fellow college classmates, the songs or tunes that come from the Old Main Tower don't necessarily reflect our particular generation.  In fact they represent the life that still lingers out there and captures the spirits of the original Augustana College instead of connecting with her fellow classmates.  The tunes that can be heard reflect upon the religious aspect of Augustana College--the starting point.  Don't get me wrong, these tunes do provide a relaxing comfort while walking from building to building or class to class:  It's almost as if God is there with you; comforting your every step and removing the heavy stress that lies on your shoulders.  But I do believe that change is in the air!

After several visits to Iowa State University, I found it extremely interesting that their main bell tower is programmed to play "popular" music of the time.  Now by popular, I mean those songs that could be heard anywhere you go whether it's from the 80s, 90s or 2000s.  While walking through the campus of Iowa State University, I became a witness to how powerful music can be to several thousand students.  Some of the students were singing along with the melody being played, others were dancing their way to their next destination, and others were even stopping and recording the song that was being played and sharing it on social media.  Not to be mean or anything, very rarely do I see individuals singing along or dancing with or praising the hymn that plays throughout campus.

For those of you who are in favor of listening to these hymns everyday, over and over again, there is nothing wrong with that especially if you are very strong in your faith.  I would say that I am strong in my faith and religion and that I personally enjoy listening to Christian contemporary music or Christian hymns, but once in awhile it's nice to listen to something outside of the everyday norm.  Once in awhile, hearing those hymns does provide me with motivation and guidance, but instead of something soothing and predictable to give me that motivation, it would be nice to hear something that really gets my blood flowing.  Would you rather be walking and singing to "Another one Bites the Dust" or "How Great Thou Art" as you find your way to class?

So what does the music, that comes from the Old Main Tower, say about Augustana College--our school?  The music suggests that our school carries a religious background, religious course offerings, religion and contemporary thinking, and that it focuses on the spiritual aspect and motivation that is perceived through Christ to produce well rounded, well educated individuals who are mentally and physically ready for the life awaiting them outside the "Augie Bubble."  To many, the religious music that comes from the Old Main Tower is an iconic characteristic of Augustana College that sets us apart from other schools.  Others will say that you don't have to always play religious music to show people that you are religious.  It's time for a change!

So wouldn't it be nice if you heard something different playing through the campus air? It's time for Augustana College to take it to the next level of connecting with its students.  Everybody needs their own form of motivation; whether it's Queen, Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Justin (What's his face?) Bieber, or the traditional words of God.  Once in awhile, we all have to step out of our comfort zone and try something different and now is the time for Augustana College to make a change, connect with its new generation, and spice the lives up of its students.  Say good-bye to the old age and welcome in the new age!!



  1. I see your point! It would be fun to hear some other, more contemporary stuff sometimes, but I am rather fond of the hymns. Maybe, for me, a combination would be nice.

  2. I understand the appeal of more contemporary music. It would be more fun and exciting but I think there is something rather nice and nostalgic about hearing the bells chime hymns. While I think there is something nice about the traditions bells, it could perhaps be fun to hear something contemporary on occasion.

  3. Hmmm interesting. Well, for starters you make an excellent point about stepping outside of your comfort zone. It's truth we do live in a new age, you know what they say "out with the old in with the new." Honesty, it wouldn't matter to me what the tower plays because I am typically listening to my own music Lol.
