Sunday, January 18, 2015

Wait a minute... you aren't me. Are you?

Okay, let's face it, I would consider myself to be in the loop when it comes to having or being apart of the new technology crave, but when it comes to being noticed on these new craves--such as Facebook, Twitter, or even just simply Google--I seize to exist; unless you count the other several identities or e-dentities of the other Daniel Skeltons of the world.

When I Facebooked my name, I was pretty worried about what was going to appear.  But it turns out that my own profile wasn't the first suggestion to pop-up even though I was searching myself while being logged-in to my personal account.  According to Facebook, Daniel Skelton enjoys listening to David Guetta, Axwell, and Steve Angello while he reads "All these Goat Pages," "Naming your Son Jesus," and "50 Sheds of Hay."  Personally, I don't know who would want to read "50 Sheds of Hay," but it sounds just as dirty as the original "50 Shades of Gray."  Besides liking books and music, apparently Daniel is a huge soccer fan, baseball fanatic, and as an interest in cricket all while being Australian.  Although that Daniel Skelton sounds pretty interesting--but yet questionable--that e-dentity--someone's online profile and identity--doesn't quite send the right message to who I am online.  Sorry unknown Facebook Daniel Skelton, but you aren't me.

Stepping away from the narrow search of Facebook, I decided to use Google's Search Engine to find who I really am online.  Yeah, that wasn't very promising either!  When I typed Daniel Skelton into the search bar of Google, something very interesting and strange appeared.  Images of a shirtless, muscular, teenage looking male covered my screen appearing not just by himself or with another shirtless male, but with four other shirtless, muscular, teenage looking males.  (Sorry ladies, I don't actually look like that!)  I personally don't know how to take this information.  Not only does this Daniel Skelton appear to be a male model, but he is also an actor.  He has starred in "Eating Out: All You Can Eat (2009)", Eating Out: Drama Camp (2011)," and Eating Out: The Open Weekend (2011)."  The covers of all these movies appear to be sexual and very questionable when it comes to presentation and one's gender identity in society and online.  Again, this Daniel Skelton does not accurately represent the kind of person I am online or in person.  Quite frankly, this Daniel Skelton kind of scares me and makes me question my own identity.

Although these individuals share my name, they do not accurately depict the kind of person I am online.  When or if you find me online, you will notice that my e-dentity is mostly focused on pictures/images that tell about my interests, family, friends, and life outside of school.

 Through Facebook, you can truly find out my e-dentity but checking out my interests--such as musical interests, events that I have attended or are apart of, and places that I have gone.  Believe it or not, non of my interests involve modeling or dealing with goats!

 Besides my many interests, my e-dentity portrays me as a family guy who enjoys sharing pictures of my parents, brothers, sister, nephews, and of course my dog, Jackson, and my bird, Charlie.  By providing images of my family, my e-dentity shows that it wouldn't exist without them willing to smile for the camera.

If it's not my family smiling for the camera, it is definitely my friends; more specifically my girlfriend.  My e-dentity suggests that I am obsessed with her, but I suggest that I just like being with her! She probably makes up about over half of the images that appear on my Facebook page.  If it's not my family appearing in pictures, it is definitely her or something music based.

Although our e-dentity's are something that describes us to the rest of the world, sometimes who we appear to be online  doesn't accurately depict the kind of person we actually are.  Having an e-dentity can be a positive way to connect with those who you normally don't get to see, but for those that you get the chance to see in person, your e-dentity is just a great way to waste time and leave ridiculous comments that make you feel grateful for having a separate life online. 

1 comment:

  1. First of all, your cover photo of you and your girlfriend is absolutely adorable.

    I liked how you approached this assignment by analyzing the profiles/images of other Daniel Skeltons. Someone definitely might get the wrong impression!

    Your Facebook page does show viewers about some of your interests and values; however, how complete of a picture is this? Do you feel that you share too much? Should you share more?
